Perhitungan Pajak penghasilan di Indonesia (PPh21), memiliki 3 metode yg bisa digunakan, yaitu :
1. Net methode
Merupakan metode pemotongan pajak dimana perusahaan menanggung pajak karyawannya
2. Gross Methode
Merupakan metode pemotongan pajak dimana karyawan menanggung sendiri jumlah pajak penghasilannya
3. Gross-Up Methode
Merupakan metode pemotongan pajak dimana perusahaan memberikan tunjangan pajak yang jumlahnya sama besar dengan jumlah pajak yang akan dipotong dari karyawan.
Berikut untuk Perhitungan Gross-Up Methode
Formula ini untuk menyamakan jumlah pajak yang akan dibayar dengan tunjangan pajak yang di berikan perusahaan terhadap karyawannya.
Illustrasi Perhitungan
Penghasilan = XXXX
Tunjangan Pajak = 1000
Total Penghasilan Brutto = XXXX + 1000
Biaya Jabatan
Iuran Pensiun
Total Pengurang = (XXXX)
Total Penghasilan Netto = (XXXX)
Penghasilan Tidak kena Pajak (PTKP) = (XXXX)
Penghasilan Kena Pajak (PKP) = XXXX
Setelah dikenakan tarif progresif pajak (5%,10% dst), diperoleh PPH pasal 21 terutang = 1000
Methode Gross-Up, akan menghasilkan tunjangan pajak sama dengan jumlah pajak penghasilan terhutang.
Untuk mendapatkan besaran tunjangan pajak tersebut, ada beberapa cara, sbb:
1. Penghitungan Iterasi
Iterasi pertama akan menghasilkan awal pajak terhutang yang akan dijadikan inisial besaran tunjangan pajak, yang akan merubah besaran penghasilan brutto kembali.
Iterasi berikutnya akan menghitung kembali besaran pajak terhutang baru, untuk dihitung selisihnya dengan tunjangan pajak sebelumnya, jika masih ada selisih, update pajak terhutang baru menjadi komponen tunjangan pajak baru. Hitung kembali pajak terhutang baru, dan demikian seterusnya sampai tidak didapatkan selisih antara besaran tunjangan pajak dengan pajak terhutang.
Dengan metode ini, biasanya untuk mendapatkan hasil akhir dibutuhkan 3 sampai 15 iterasi (tergantung dari besaran penghasilan ybs).
2. Penghitungan Cepat
Formulasi Gross-Up PPh Pasal 21 terbagi dalam 5 lapisan rentang PKP, sesuai dengan lapisan tarif yang terdapat dalam pasal 17 Undang-Undang Pajak Penghasilan (Tarif Progresif)
A. Lapisan I
Untuk PKP antara Rp. 1 hingga Rp. 23,750,000 atau 1 < X < 23,750,000.
Tunjangan PPh = PKP setahun (-) Rp.0 X 5/95 + (0)
B. Lapisan II
Untuk PKP antara Rp 23,750,000 hingga Rp 46,250,000 atau 23,750,000 < X < 46,250,000
Tunjangan PPh = PKP setahun (-) Rp. 23,750,000 X 10/90 (+) Rp 1,250,000
C. Lapisan III
Untuk PKP antara Rp. 46,250,000 hingga Rp 88,750,000 atau 46,250,000 < X < 88,750,000
Tunjangan PPh = PKP setahun (-) Rp 46,250,000 X 15/85 (+) Rp 3,750,000
D. Lapisan IV
Untuk PKP antara Rp 88,750,000 hingga Rp 163,750,000 atau 88,750,000 < X < 163,750,000
Tunjangan PPh = PKP setahun (-) Rp 88,750,000 X 25/75 (+) Rp 11,250,000
E. Lapisan V
Untuk PKP diatas Rp 163,750,000 atau X > 163,750,000
Tunjangan PPh = PKP setahun (-) Rp. 163,750,000 X 35/65 (+) Rp 36,250,000
Aplikasi Formula Gross-Up dalam penghitungan Pasal 21
Tristan, seorang pegawai dengan penghasilan perbulan sebesar Rp 8,000,000 (take home pay). Status Heru adalah K/0 (kawin belum memiliki anak). Berapa tunjangan pajak yang harus, sehingga take home pay yang diberikan tetap Rp. 20,000,000
Aplikasi rumus gross-up (jamsostek ditiadakan agar lebih mudah)
Penghasilan Brutto setahun = 96,000,000
Biaya jabatan setahun = 1,296,000
Penghasilan netto = 94,704,000
PTKP = 14,400,000
PKP setahun = 80,304,000
Tunjangan pajak/PPh pasal 21 terhutang (gross-up formula lapisan III)
= Rp 80,304,000 (–) Rp 46,250,000 X 15/85 (+) Rp 3,750,000
= Rp 9,759,529 per tahun
= Rp 813,294 per bulan
Susunan Ulang dalam perhitungan pasal 21 akan menjadi:
Penghasilan setahun = 96,000,000
Tunjangan Pajak = 9,759,529
Total Penghasilan Brutto =105,759,529
Biaya Jabatan (setahun) = 1,296,000
Penghasilan Netto =104,463,529
PTKP = 14,400,000
PKP Setahun = 90,063,529
PPh Terutang = 5% x Rp. 25,000,000 = Rp 1,250,000
10% x Rp 25,000,000 = Rp 2,500,000
15% x Rp 40,063,529 = Rp 6,009,529
PPh pasal 21 terutang setahun = Rp 9,759,529
PPh pasal 21 terutang sebulan = Rp 813,294
Bila dibandingkan dengan pemodelan iterasi, maka selisih 0 antara tunjangan pajak dengan pajak terhutang baru akan di dapat pada iterasi ke-8.
Dari uraian diatas, secara sederhana dapat dikatakan bahwa tujuan gross-up dalam perhitungan pasal 21 adalah mencari tunjangan pajak yang jumlahnya sama dengan pajak terhutang. Dengan menggunakan rumus ini maka perusahaan dapat membebankan biaya tunjangan pajak sebagai deductible expenses, sehingga dapat mengurangi PPh badan perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Dengan catatan, selama didukung adanya penjurnalan biaya tunjangan pajak didalam pembukuan wajib pajak serta juga tercantum dalam slip gaji karyawan.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Change Text Wellcome Screen Windows
How to Change Text Wellcome Screen Windows
Follow this step :
1. Download an aplication "Resource Hacker" on
2. Download an application "Replacer" on
3. Execute "Resouce Hacker" and Install it
4. Open "Resouce Hacker Application"
5. Open File "c:\windows\system32\logonui.exe" in the resource editor
6. Save File
7. open "Replacer Application"
8. Drag the File for replace in "Replacer Application"
9. Reboot System and tralaaa.... Done!
Follow this step :
1. Download an aplication "Resource Hacker" on
2. Download an application "Replacer" on
3. Execute "Resouce Hacker" and Install it
4. Open "Resouce Hacker Application"
5. Open File "c:\windows\system32\logonui.exe" in the resource editor
6. Save File
7. open "Replacer Application"
8. Drag the File for replace in "Replacer Application"
9. Reboot System and tralaaa.... Done!
Hidding Your Drive in Windows 7 or Windows Vista
Lets Hide Drives from Your Explorer :
This tip will only hide the drive from being displayed, applications and the command prompt will still have access to it, and you can still manually browse to the folder if you type in the path.
Configure the Hidden Drives
Open up regedit.exe by using the start menu search box, and then browse down to the following key.
If the Explorer key does not exist, you can right-click on Policies, select New Key and name it Explorer.
The NoDrives key most likely does not exist by default, so you’ll need to create it with right-click \ new 32-bit DWORD and name it NoDrives.
This value is a 32 bit number, and the bits are arranged in reverse order with a value of 1 hiding that drive. For example, if we wanted to hide drives A: and F: we would arrange it like this:
Converting 100001 to decimal we end up with a decimal value of 33 or a hex value of 0×21, so if you double-click on the key in the registry editor, choose Decimal and then enter 33 into the value field.
In order to see these changes, you’ll need to restart explorer.exe, which you can do easily from Task Manager or the longer way by just logging off and back on.
Uninstall Tweak
To disable this tweak, simply remove the NoDrives registry key entirely.
Reference Info
Here’s a list of the values you’ll want to enter for a few different drive letters.
If you want to hide multiple drives, you’ll need to use the table of all the drive letters to figure out the correct binary code, and then convert that to decimal or hex. (hint: you can use the calculator in scientific mode)
Look, now that worthless floppy drive is gone!
Naturally it would be better to disable the floppy drive in your BIOS, but this tip is still valid for other types of drives.
Note that this also works on Windows XP.
This tip will only hide the drive from being displayed, applications and the command prompt will still have access to it, and you can still manually browse to the folder if you type in the path.
Configure the Hidden Drives
Open up regedit.exe by using the start menu search box, and then browse down to the following key.
If the Explorer key does not exist, you can right-click on Policies, select New Key and name it Explorer.
The NoDrives key most likely does not exist by default, so you’ll need to create it with right-click \ new 32-bit DWORD and name it NoDrives.
This value is a 32 bit number, and the bits are arranged in reverse order with a value of 1 hiding that drive. For example, if we wanted to hide drives A: and F: we would arrange it like this:
Converting 100001 to decimal we end up with a decimal value of 33 or a hex value of 0×21, so if you double-click on the key in the registry editor, choose Decimal and then enter 33 into the value field.
In order to see these changes, you’ll need to restart explorer.exe, which you can do easily from Task Manager or the longer way by just logging off and back on.
Uninstall Tweak
To disable this tweak, simply remove the NoDrives registry key entirely.
Reference Info
Here’s a list of the values you’ll want to enter for a few different drive letters.
If you want to hide multiple drives, you’ll need to use the table of all the drive letters to figure out the correct binary code, and then convert that to decimal or hex. (hint: you can use the calculator in scientific mode)
Look, now that worthless floppy drive is gone!
Naturally it would be better to disable the floppy drive in your BIOS, but this tip is still valid for other types of drives.
Note that this also works on Windows XP.
How to Change Windows XP welcome screen
Start > RUN > type in the following > REGEDIT
1) Navigate to:
HKEY USERS\ .DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop
2) Double click the wallpaper value, and type in the full path of your image and the filename.
3) To tile the image set "TileWallPaper" to 1
4) To Stretch the wallpaper set "WallPaperStyle" to 2
5) Close the registry editor and the changes will take place when you Log off.
Start > RUN > type in the following > REGEDIT
1) Navigate to:
HKEY USERS\ .DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop
2) Double click the wallpaper value, and type in the full path of your image and the filename.
3) To tile the image set "TileWallPaper" to 1
4) To Stretch the wallpaper set "WallPaperStyle" to 2
5) Close the registry editor and the changes will take place when you Log off.