Friday, July 19, 2013

Cek Pulsa Lewat modem sierra compass 885

Lumayan bingung juga nyari info dan tutorial cara cek pulsa pada modem Sierra, tapi akhirnya ketemu juga. Dan pas di-praktek-kan ternyata sangat mudah, sekali praktek langsung bisa. :)

Oqelah qalo begitu :)! Berikut ini adalah cara menge-cek pulsa kartu GSM Prabayar di modem Sierra. Saya mencoba di modem Sierra 881U, namun tutorial ini bisa juga di-praktek-kan pada modem Sierra lainnya.

1. Pada menu Watcher, klik Option (icon gambar kunci bengkel), kemudian pada Enable Keyboard ubah pilihannya dari No menjadi Yes.

Anda sudah bisa menge-cek pulsa di modem Sierra Anda, jadi gak perlu bongkar pasang kartu ke hp buat cek pulsa. Berikut cara:

2. Buka / tampilkan menu Sierra Wireless Watcher. Ketikkan kode untuk cek pulsa langsung pada keyboard. Kodenya tergantung dari operator GSM yang kita gunakan. Contoh kartu 3 (Tri), kodenya adalah *111# lalu tekan ENTER.

3. Selesai. Setelah Anda menekan tombol Enter, maka akan muncul jendela yang menginformasikan status pulsa Anda, diantaranya: saldo, masa aktif, masa tenggang, dan lain-lain.

Good luck!

cek nomor sendiri kartu three 3

Cek nomor sendiri kartu three Telkomsel XL Indosat Mentari Axis

Anda memiliki nomor 3 (Three) baru, tapi anda lupa dengan nomor milik anda sendiri? Coba ikuti langkah dibawah ini!

1. Tekan *111*1# dan tombol panggil di handphone anda.
2. Anda akan mendapat pesan balasan yang berisi nomor milik anda sendiri dan jumlah pulsa 3 (Three) anda saat ini.

Berikut Operator lainnya :

Cara Mengetahui Nomor HP Sendiri Telkomsel : *808*123*22*1*1*# 
Cara Mengetahui Nomor HP Sendiri XL  : *123*22*1*1*#
Cara Mengetahui Nomor HP Sendiri Indosat : *777*8# 
Cara Mengetahui Nomor HP Sendiri Axis :  *2# 
Cara Mengetahui Nomor HP Sendiri Tri : *998#

Transfer Pulsa Simpati

simPATI Transfer Pulsa

simPATI berikan layanan ekstra lagi untuk seluruh pelanggan nya dengan Layanan simPATI Transfer Pulsa ke sesama pengguna simPATI.

Caranya mudah :

Ketik: *858*nomor tujuan*nilai transfer# tekan OK atau Call

Contoh untuk pengiriman nominal Rp. 10 ribu :
*858*081310300027*10# tekan ok atau call

Cara penggunaan transfer pulsa :
•    Nilai pulsa yang dapat ditransfer berkisar antara 10ribu – 100ribu dengan kelipatan 5ribu   ( contoh : 15.000, 20.000 dst nya )
•    Minimum sisa pulsa setelah transfer 10ribu
•    Maksimal transaksi 10 kali perhari
•    Maksimal total pulsa yang ditransfer 200ribu perhari
•    Biaya transfer sebesar Rp. 500/transfer
•    Status pengirim harus dalam masa aktif
•    Status penerima harus dalam masa aktif atau dalam masa isi ulang
•    Setiap transaksi transfer pulsa tidak merubah status masa aktif maupun masa isi ulang.
•    Jika penerima dalam masa isi ulang, pulsa yang dtransfer baru dapat dipergunakan setelah penerima melakukan isi ulang untuk mengaktifkan kembali kartunya.

Tunjukan Anda peduli, Transfer pulsa sekarang!

Syarat & ketentuan berlaku

SMS ekstra Hemat simPATI Rp.49/ SMS

Setelah SMS ekstra Hemat Rp. 199/SMS kini SMS ekstra Hemat simPATI semakin hemat menjadi Rp. 49/SMS pada pukul 23.00 s/d 07.00 bagi seluruh pengguna simPATI ke lebih dari 54 juta pelanggan Telkomsel di seluruh Indonesia sampai dengan tanggal 30 Februari 2008.

Bagi seluruh pengguna simPATI SMS ekstra Hemat ini melengkapi fasilitas nilai tambah yang sudah ada seperti :
•    Tarif hemat Rp 300 per 30 detik (22.00 – 23.00)*
•    Tarif ekstra hemat Rp150 per 30 detik (pukul 23.00 – 07.00)*
•    SMS Rp 299 (pukul 07.00 – 23.00)*
•    Tarif ekstra hemat Rp 99 per 6 detik untuk menelpon ke 16 negara ( Malaysia, Singapura, Brunei, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Korea Selatan, Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Prancis, Italia, Jerman, Belanda, Swedia, Thailand, Jepang ), sepanjang hari.
•    SMS ekstra Hemat ke operator Singtel di Singapore Rp. 350/SMS sepanjang hari. (s.d 31 Mei 2007)

simPATI semakin ekstra hemat!

* keseluruh pengguna Telkomsel se Indonesia

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How to get column names from an ADO recordset

loop through the fields and get the Name property of each one

assuming rst is your Recordset and fld is a Field

for each fld in rst.Fields
msgbox fld.Name ' this will display the name of the field

How Get Column count recordset

myRecordset is recordset

Postgresql - select view of each column in table

Select attname
FROM   pg_attribute
WHERE  attrelid = 'tableName'::regclass
AND    attnum  >= 1           -- exclude tableoid & friends (neg. attnum)
AND    attisdropped is FALSE  -- exclude deleted columns

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Create and Modified “Send To” Menu in Windows 8

Windows "Send To" menu can be a great time saver when working with files, but it doesn't work quite the same way in Windows 8 as it did in Windows 7. The experts at SuperUser show us how to customize the entries in that list.

If you want to add your own app or folder to the Send to menu, it's very simple: Just open the Run dialog box by pressing Win+R, then paste this command into the text box:

This will open the folder where all those shortcuts live. Alternatively, you can navigate to

To set it up, you must first open the SendTo folder. Next, drag the SendTo item from the breadcrumb trail in the location bar down into the folder itself. This action creates a "SendTo - Shortcut" item in the folder. With this shortcut added, you will no longer need to open the SendTo folder to add an item to it. Instead, when you encounter an item you'd like to add as a destination to the "Send to" menu, simply right-click on the item and from the "Send to" menu, choose this shortcut you created. The item will get added to the SendTo folder and, thus, the right-click "Send to" menu.

Monday, July 15, 2013

How to print a subtotal base on per page (Crystal Report)

lets say i have 3 pages in crystal report there should be a subtotal per page

You need to use three formulas ;
Formula 1 : @Reset

NumberVar x;
 Formula 2 : @Sum

NumberVar x;
Formula 3 : @Display

NumberVar x;
Place Formula1 in Page Header section and suppress
Place Formula2 in Details section and suppress
Place Formula3 in Page Footer and don't suppress, this is your subtotal
Note :
For Duplicates Records :
NumberVar x;
IF OnFirstRecord= true Then
x:= {Databasefield}

if {DatabasefieldKey} <> previous( Databasefieldkey) Then
x:=x ;

Friday, July 12, 2013

Create Editor text from Visual Basic Studio

Open "D:\SQL.TXT" For Append As #1: Write #1,sSQL : Close #1

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Automatically creating pivot table column names in PostgreSQL

Often in bioinformatics I receive a dataset that is entirely non-relational.  For instance, every row is a gene, every column is a biological sample, and the cell values are the expression levels of each gene measured by microarray.  To join such datasets to others (e.g. metadata on the samples and on the genes), I need to relationalize the table.  In the above example, that would mean building a new table with three columns (gene, sample, expression_level).  Trouble is, then later if I want to do any fancy matrix math on the data I need to de-relationalize it, getting back to the rows=genes, columns=samples layout.  This is called a pivot table and can be achieved in PostgreSQL using the crosstab() function, but there’s a catch: you need to type out all of the column names.
To avoid spending my life typing out column names, I wrote a function in Postgres procedural language (PL/pgSQL) that will generate a crosstab query automatically.  You can’t execute the generated crosstab query automatically because PL/pgSQL functions that return tables (setof record functions) cannot have the number and type of columns determined on the fly.  Instead this function returns the query in a varchar, and then you can execute the query to get the pivot table you want.  That’s an extra round-trip to the database if you’re working programmatically, or an extra copy-and-paste if you’re working in the query editor.  But it’s better than typing out column names.
Here’s the code.  I run PostgreSQL 9.2 but I believe this should work at least as far back as 8.4.

-- PL/pgSQL code to create pivot tables with automatic column names
-- Eric Minikel, - 2013-03-19

-- prerequisite: install the tablefunc module
create extension tablefunc;

-- tablename: name of source table you want to pivot
-- rowc: the name of the column in source table you want to be the rows
-- colc: the name of the column in source table you want to be the columns
-- cellc: an aggregate expression determining how the cell values will be created
-- celldatatype: desired data type for the cells
create or replace function pivotcode (tablename varchar, rowc varchar, colc varchar, cellc varchar, celldatatype varchar) returns varchar language plpgsql as $$
    dynsql1 varchar;
    dynsql2 varchar;
    columnlist varchar;
    -- 1. retrieve list of column names.
    dynsql1 = 'select string_agg(distinct ''_''||'||colc||'||'' '||celldatatype||''','','' order by ''_''||'||colc||'||'' '||celldatatype||''') from '||tablename||';';
    execute dynsql1 into columnlist;
    -- 2. set up the crosstab query
    dynsql2 = 'select * from crosstab (
 ''select '||rowc||','||colc||','||cellc||' from '||tablename||' group by 1,2 order by 1,2'',
 ''select distinct '||colc||' from '||tablename||' order by 1''
 as newtable (
 '||rowc||' varchar,'||columnlist||'
    return dynsql2;

-- toy example to show how it works
create table table_to_pivot (
   rowname varchar,
   colname varchar,
   cellval numeric
insert into table_to_pivot values ('row1','col1',11);
insert into table_to_pivot values ('row1','col2',12);
insert into table_to_pivot values ('row1','col3',13);
insert into table_to_pivot values ('row2','col1',21);
insert into table_to_pivot values ('row2','col2',22);
insert into table_to_pivot values ('row2','col3',23);
insert into table_to_pivot values ('row3','col1',31);
insert into table_to_pivot values ('row3','col2',32);
insert into table_to_pivot values ('row3','col3',33);
select pivotcode('table_to_pivot','rowname','colname','max(cellval)','integer');

 Executing that last select statement will return the following:
select * from crosstab (
    'select rowname,colname,max(cellval) from table_to_pivot group by 1,2 order by 1,2',
    'select distinct colname from table_to_pivot order by 1'
    as newtable (
    rowname varchar,_col1 integer,_col2 integer,_col3 integer

And executing that query will in turn give you:

The underscore in front of the column names is so that it will still work if the columns start with numbers.

 if your rows and columns in the final pivoted table won’t change, then you can just add a create view statement to the front of it, like so:

create view view_of_pivoted_table as
select * from crosstab (
    'select rowname,colname,max(cellval) from table_to_pivot group by 1,2 order by 1,2',
    'select distinct colname from table_to_pivot order by 1'
    as newtable (
    rowname varchar,_col1 integer,_col2 integer,_col3 integer
select * from view_of_pivoted_table;


Tau kapur barus kan ? Selain untuk pengharum lemari juga bisa sebagai octane booster pada motor. Sudah di tes pada motor matic tenaga melonjak dan irit bensin. Caranya 6 butir kapur barus (kamper) taruh di boks filter. Terbukti konsumsi bensin jadi 64 km/liter dari 48 km/liter dengan metode pengukuran full to full. Silahkan di coba pada motor anda.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Crystal report does not export on windows XP

The problem was Crystal report 8.5 can not export function. I searched for any site for the solution. Finally, I download SP3 from businessobjects and installed them. After SP3 was installed, it works

try this Solution download link:

Replace each with the file name in the link ftp

Another way : try search file dll in your program files
 * crtslv.dll        
 * ExportModeller.dll
and register them.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

ERROR: function dblink_connect(unknown) does not exist

PostgreSQL Link from another database

Activate function DBlink :


Connection Link Query :
 select dblink_connect('host=servername user=username password=password dbname=databasename')  ;

Result :

Select from another database Query :

    FROM dblink('
host=servername user=username password=password dbname=databasename', 'select column1, column2 from TableProductMaster ')
      AS t1(Column1 text, Column2 text) -- as field and field type
    WHERE column1 LIKE '%556%'  -- as Condition
    Order by Column1 Asc;

Result :
Column 1    | Column2

Thank You

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dasar -dasar Query PostgreSQL

Menampilkan bagian tanggal tertentu jam, hari, menit :
Formula dasar :
EXTRACT(field FROM source)
Field mengandung :
Sample : 
Result: 16
Result: 20

Result: 38

Result: 28500 

Pembulatan waktu :
SELECT date_trunc('hour', TIMESTAMP '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
Result: 2001-02-16 20:00:00
SELECT date_trunc('year', TIMESTAMP '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
Result: 2001-01-01 00:00:00 

Lihat Waktu saat ini :
CURRENT_TIME (precision)
LOCALTIME (precision)
Sample : 

Result: 2001-12-23