Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Create and Modified “Send To” Menu in Windows 8

Windows "Send To" menu can be a great time saver when working with files, but it doesn't work quite the same way in Windows 8 as it did in Windows 7. The experts at SuperUser show us how to customize the entries in that list.

If you want to add your own app or folder to the Send to menu, it's very simple: Just open the Run dialog box by pressing Win+R, then paste this command into the text box:

This will open the folder where all those shortcuts live. Alternatively, you can navigate to

To set it up, you must first open the SendTo folder. Next, drag the SendTo item from the breadcrumb trail in the location bar down into the folder itself. This action creates a "SendTo - Shortcut" item in the folder. With this shortcut added, you will no longer need to open the SendTo folder to add an item to it. Instead, when you encounter an item you'd like to add as a destination to the "Send to" menu, simply right-click on the item and from the "Send to" menu, choose this shortcut you created. The item will get added to the SendTo folder and, thus, the right-click "Send to" menu.

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